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                          6.1.2 Messages

         This option allows you to define the messages sent by your
         modem. If your modem does not send one or more of the strings
         you should NOT remove them.

         The 300 string is sent as CONNECT followed by a carriage
         return by some modems (US Robotics Courier HST for example).
         You should therefore set the string to CONNECT| (the pipe
         character will be replaced with a CR by the Mailer) if this
         is the case with your modem.

         The RING string should be set to RING| (the pipe character
         will be replaced with a CR by the Mailer) if your modem sends
         the RINGING message while waiting for a call to be connected.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson